Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch (1969) must be a bit of black sheep for a lot of Western fans. When this genre started out morality was portrayed in a very binary way, with the bad buys wearing black hats and getting shot during an honourable duel by the good guys who were of course wearing white hats. As cinema grew, so did the Western. The line between right and wrong became blurry, especially when Italian filmmaker Sergio Leone introduced Clint Eastwood as a more or less good guy doing bad things to even worse people. However, in Peckinpah’s ultraviolent take on the Western the protagonists are irredeemable bad guys and the people chasing them are definitely not wearing white hats. I’m guessing John Wayne would not have been a fan. We are now almost a year into the global pandemic and in my part of the world things are so bad I’m not even allowed to go in the streets at night. The good news is at-home entertainment is years away from drying up, and I even found yet another way to ...