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Empire Magazine (2008) Greatest Movies List - #72: 12 Angry Men

12 Angry Men (1957) is another example of how you can make one hell of a movie with a small cast, an enclosed space and a director who knows how to work his cameras. Jury duty is something most people try to avoid, but as directed by Sydney Lumet it becomes a fascinating morality tale as twelve strangers debate the life of a young man accused of murder. Almost entirely shot within one room and with a brisk 96-minute running time it is a timeless classic.

My first viewing was on a DVD rental, so obviously this was a couple of years before Netflix. The DVD extras are definitely worth it for a retrospective on the cast of twelve actors, the film’s legacy, and the opinion of legal scholars. Like all movies it has its flaws, and apparently the most glaring was the judge’s blasé attitude given the fact this is a murder trial. That flaw aside, this is definitely a movie worth seeing with someone else because unlike many movies that come out today it makes you think while you are it and a long time afterwards.

The scary thing is that initially almost none of the jurors in the New York City courthouse feel like doing any thinking at all. In their minds this is an open and shut case of an 18-year-old kid from a slum accused of murdering his father with a knife. They are heading towards a guilty verdict until Juror 8 (Henry Fonda) chooses a not guilty plea. He has doubts about the evidence that was presented and believes they all should take a closer look before making their final decision. This irritates Juror 7 (Jack Warden) who is eager to get to a baseball game and Juror 10 (Ed Begley) who shows prejudice towards people from slums.

Over time Juror 8 begins to swing some of the jurors his way by actually looking at the facts (remember those?). For one thing the prosecution argued the murder weapon is a very rare knife, yet Juror 8 managed to bring an almost exact copy inside the jury room. Then there is the fact the accused had a spotty memory when asked to recall events that occurred a few days prior. However Juror 8 asks a fellow juror to recall specific details from the past few days of his life and things get a little foggy. Try it; it’s true no matter your age.  

As the deliberations carry on the jurors (Martin Balsam, John Fiedler, Lee J. Cobb, E. G Marshall, Jack Klugman, Joseph Sweeney, George Voskovec and Robert Webber) begin to get more and more agitated as their opinions and prejudices start to bubble up. They are all stuck inside this one room with each other and it begins to dawn on them that a man’s life is on the line, baseball games be damned. They are supposed to be impartial, but it becomes clear some of jurors have preconceived opinions about the accused based on his origins, which of course angers some of the other jurors.

Given the one location you would think there wouldn’t be much for the camera crew to do, but Sydney Lumet and his crew managed to get creative. Initially the cameras are above eye-level and mounted with wide-angle lenses. However as time goes by and the debates become more and more intense Lumet shoots from a lower angle and the jurors all get close-ups in order to increase the sense of claustrophobia.

Initially this story was a play by Reginald Rose and after Lumet’s great film it has been adapted again for television and in other countries as well. I am all for that because as good as Lumet’s film is, the cast and even the accused are rather vanilla. It would be complicated for the title if a woman was added to the jury, but nowadays it would make sense. Better yet, instead of a young white man from a slum, have him be black, Hispanic, or even a member of the LGBTQ community, and also have the jurors be just as diverse. Or if you really want to have a fiery debate, make a version of this story in which at least one member of the jury voted for Donald Trump.

My takeaway from this story is the importance of debating the facts and deciding beyond a reasonable doubt whether or not the accused is guilty. As jurors they are not there to decide if he is “innocent.” Nobody is innocent, but given that he is accused of murder and could get the death penalty they need to be 100 per cent sure of his guilt. Think about that if you are ever inside a courtroom either as accused or juror.


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