Clint Eastwood is one of those actors whose name immediately evokes the image of the mythic American cowboy. Perhaps second only to John Wayne, many of Eastwood’s movies have become classic Westerns, only many of them are quite darker in tone than Wayne’s films. The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976) is one such film. Featuring Eastwood behind the camera and in top anti-hero form as a gunslinger who sends many men to their graves across the American south after his family is killed during the Civil War. He may not wear a Sheriff’s badge, but once he draws his guns you can’t help but root for him. Another English-to-Spanish exercise, this was a movie I watched while living in South America in the early 2000s. Possibly HBO or some other movie channel would run old American movies with Spanish subtitles, which is a good way to learn the language when you first move to Chile and which you get used to once you actually learn the language. Either way, it’s a Clint Eastwood movie, and if a Clin...