George A. Romero’s “Night of the Living Dead” is the zombie movie that started it all. Although it was made back in 1968, its influence can be seen in such films as “Shaun of the Dead,” “Resident Evil,” “28 Days Later,” and a few Simpsons and South Park Halloween specials. It set the blueprint for the zombie epidemic genre, even though that word is never once used in the movie. Critics were initially disgusted by the gory content, but eventually the American Library of Congress added it to the National Film Registry for being culturally significant. Politically its scenes of violence in rural America were seen as a backlash against the war in Vietnam. Also significant was the casting of actor Duane Jones as hero Ben, for in the 60s it was bold to cast a black man in the lead. His ulterior motives aside, Romero’s goal was to scare people, and decades later he still achieves that goal. It would have been awesome to see this movie in theatres and see people scream at the s...