I don’t know exactly when it all began, but aliens are now part of the world’s greatest myths, right along Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster. There are plenty of reports of people seeing them, many blurry photographs, but actual proof? None. Conspiracy theorists say that’s what the government would have you believe, and Barry Sonnenfeld’s 1997 comedy “Men In Black” shows you just how a government agency would hide the aliens in plain sight. The joke is that some aliens are so bizarre they get careers in entertainment. Which makes me wonder about Charlie Sheen. Did he not say he was from Mars? I first saw “Men In Black” about a year after it had come out and my brother had already seen it on the big screen. He loved it so he figured I would like it too. So we watched while our parents were out for the night. This was back when we were living in Santiago, Chile, so the movie was in Spanish. Will Smith is still funny in Spanish, but unfortunately I had a hard time laughing. If I...